View PHARMExcel selected as INmuneBio’s UK CRO to lead on their Phase I clinical trial of INKmune in MDS patients

PHARMExcel selected as INmuneBio’s UK CRO to lead on their Phase I clinical trial of INKmune in MDS patients

PHARMExcel are delighted to have be selected as INmuneBio’s  U.K. CRO to lead on their Phase I clinical trial of INKmune, a novel therapy to prime the patient’s own Natural Killer (NK) cells to attack their cancer, in patients with high-risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) (EUDRACT 2019-004820-40). This is a single center, Phase I trial and will…

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View Effective CRO project management and fast track study set-up for an investigator initiated COVID-19 study

Effective CRO project management and fast track study set-up for an investigator initiated COVID-19 study

BACKGROUND PHARMExcel was selected to manage a UK, Phase II, combined Investigational Medicinal Product (IMP)/Medical Device study for COVID-19 patients hospitalised in ICU. We were asked to provide Project Management (PM), Monitoring and Safety oversight for the study, from protocol development to close-out. The study involved two sites and numerous teams responsible for key elements…

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